Antminer L3 specifications:
ASIC Bitmain Antminer L3+ designed for mining cryptocurrencies running on the Scrypt algorithm, which was designed specifically to make mining accessible to everyone. One of the top cryptocurrencies running on the Litecoin algorithm is one of the top 10 coins by capitalization.
The case is made in the standard Bitmain format: a closed rectangular device equipped with cooling coolers on the front and back sides. The case of the ashik is made of aluminum. On the panels are placed minor control buttons, indicators, indicating the mode of the device, connectors and loops for connection.
Unlike most other manufacturer’s ashiks, this model has slightly increased dimensions. For example, the height of Antminer S9, T9 and D3 is 13 cm and the height of Antminer L3+ is 18.7 cm. Never before has a miner been equipped with more than 200 microchips for mining.
If you compare this asic with video card mining farms, then you can conclude: it is quite economical, in terms of consumption, mining solution. After all, the power consumption indicator is only 800 watts. If you use modern firmware for Antminer l3+ from Vnish, the power consumption will be significantly reduced. It is worth noting that the L3+ runs much quieter than the S9 and many other models of asics, but keeping it in the house is still not recommended.

Profitability antminer l3+ and payback:
Antminer L3+ is equipment with a fairly high return on investment. A significant plus is the low power consumption. Its payback is impressive even at high electricity tariffs. Of course, much depends on the right choice of coins for mining and firmware. We recomended antminer l3+ firmware vnish.
According to rough estimates, the purchase of the equipment will pay for itself within four months. However, this parameter is very dependent on many things:
- the cost of electricity;
- the choice of firmware, here the clear leader is the firmware from Vnish
- the rate of the mined cryptocurrencies;
- the complexity of the network;
- the organization of mining.
- Even a correctly/wrongly chosen power supply cord can increase or decrease the power consumption by about 10%.
The L3+ is currently sold as an obsolete model, at a fairly modest price, which is good for the payback of the equipment. But, of course, mining speed and revenue plays an important role. Here we recommend to use firmware for antminer l3+ Vnish which will reduce power consumption and increase mining power.
At first, L3+ showed incredible results when the Litecoin network volume was small. This was followed by a sharp quadruple jump and today the complexity is steadily kept in the 9-10M range.
Based on such features of mining, we can conclude: how much L3+ brings depends mostly on the selection of cryptocurrency for mining, and also on how well the equipment owner knows how to “maneuver” between the waves of fluctuations in coin value and network complexity and the right choice of firmware.